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Rose Mentorship

The wild roses here at our farm have been quite vocal these last couple of years.
The roses and I have so much to share with you.
Rose Mentorship!
Tuition: $175 ~ Click here to enroll
When you register,  you will receive a link to the entire course on our new
teaching platform.

You can access the FREE Zoom Gathering Recording Here

Passcode: 1f3JB+Bk

In the zoom gathering, I mention a coupon code for $20 off the cost of the Rose Mentorship.  The coupon code I mention is not correct.  ☺️
The Coupon Code is rose20-off. This coupon code is good until June 19, 2024
This is a home study course related to the beauty, depth and healing of rose.
Our explorations together will include a
Video ZOOM Gathering on June 19, 2024, 10:30 am, Pacific Time.  
I will be sharing quite a bit and you will have the opportunity to share.
An opportunity to open to the exquisite wholeness of life through an expanded relationship with rose.
It is with deep gratitude that I offer this work to you.  Rose has healing ways that are mysterious and deep and I can tell you about it, but when you experience it yourself, it will change you.
Here is what is included in our work together:
    • 22 explorations including shamanic listening exercises, stories and creative writing
    • Herbal crafting projects with rose including how to make sensuous wild rose infused honey, healing wild rose infused oil and anti-viral wild rose tincture and nourishing wild rose infused vinegars and oxymel etc.
    • Information on how wild rose nourishes and heals, including how this plant supports the immune system, reproductive system, heart and nervous system.
    • Any roses will do—wild roses, garden roses etc.
    • Goddess Archetypes related to rose and your personal explorations.
    • Wild Rose Gathering:We will join together for a ZOOM gathering to share and celebrate our rose connections. Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 10:30 am PT (you need not have done any of the course materials to participate. I would love for us to connect related to rose. I have a lot to share with you face to face.)

A Few of the themes offered:

  • Breathing the Breath of Rose
  • Rose in All Its Intricacy
  • Wild Rose Honey Electuary
  • All Roses are Connected
  • In the Name of the Goddess
  • Sovereignty
  • The Plants are the Ancestors

Rose Mentorship FAQS:

  • How long is the course? How many hours?

You can spend as much time with the home study course as you like. There are 22 different lessons/ways of exploring with rose. You may choose to spend time doing just a few of the exercises and repeating them or working through them one by one. I think of Rose Mentorship as being nonlinear.

  • How will I access the course once I register? 

The program is set up so that when you pay for the course, you will receive an email with a link to start the course.

  • Is there a deadline when the course must be completed by?

I have enabled, “lifetime access” for the course. This way you can return to it at your leisure and not feel pressured to do everything in a certain amount of time. And you can return to it again and again throughout the year.

  • Is this the only time of year that it is beneficial to sign up for the course?

Actually, you can explore the teachings of rose throughout the year. I have some stories about that in the course, about the rose offering their wisdom to me, even in the dead of winter. So you can work with the wisdom of rose all year long. Although, right now, as the rose blooms, there is just a certain kind of potency about it.

  • Is there a way for me to share what I am learning and experiencing?

I have enabled the discussion on the program so when you do an exercise and you wish to share your experience or ask questions you can do that. At the end of the course, you are invited to create something related to your experiences with rose.

  • What preparation should I make before attending the June 19 Zoom Gathering?

My intention with this course is that you work at your own pace. The June 19 Zoom Gathering will be full many ways of connecting with rose. You can share and ask questions. You need not have completed any of the course to attend. Come and enjoy the space with other rose enthusiasts.

  • Do we receive a certificate at the end of Rose Mentorship?

Much better than a certificate…What I am offering with this mentorship is an initiation into the deep teachings of rose. Once you begin, you are invited through the gateway into rose’s expansive world which will then expand the world in which you live and how to perceive it.

  • How can I get the coupon code?

I discovered that the coupon code I offered on the free zoom gathering was not quite complete. The Coupon Code is rose20-off 😊🌸

Please feel free to ask more questions.

I am so delighted to offer these explorations with rose in this way.

May the Wild Roses bless and guide you.

May it be in Beauty.


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