I wrote this poem on February 6, 2007

There is a slight stirring in the garden
these past few days.
As our frozen Earth warms,
I have enjoyed venturing out
to look for plants emerging
from the dark soil.

Dandelion on Imbolc.

Just a little bit here so far,
catnip, oregano, bergamot,
lady’s mantle, oxe-eye daisy,
And there is this feeling I get
when I pass the rose hips thorns…
‘can’t wait, can’t wait’….’I’m ready, I’m ready’
This is what it must feel like to be preparing
for manifestation in the world.
All that work in the underworld
is being stirred in a giant cauldron of worldly soup.
What we wished and prayed for…
what we developed, enhanced and transformed….
and what we began can now make itself known
in this new world.
I think an introduction is in order.
Whatever it is you are initiating this year,
take some time to present it to the world.
Talk about your dreams now,
tell stories of your visions for this new year
Create ceremonies of fiery passion,
Allow vulnerability to be present,
This new world, nothing like it ever before,
Nothing like it ever again.

May it be in Beauty.